
The Other Day in the Life of...

...Ms. Super-Awesome-McAwesometon

The other day was a day, man. I applied at some places that are jobs. Java Korner is hiring. I hope I get hired there. I need money, for the upcoming anime convention.

Well, that's it. That was my day.

And Alyssa and I watched an episode of Beverly Hills, 90210.Best show EVER.

Now a Nickelback music vide
o is playing. Oh my goodness. I cannot stand them. I swear they are the least talented band I know. No... maybe... Simple Plan is. Well... both of them can only play generic power chords that any monkey who picks up a guitar could play. So, I think they're both pretty bad. I guess at least the lead in Nickelback can hit notes.

Not like there is ever more than 3 in any of their songs.

Wash your hair, you dorks.

Message: People should wash their hair at LEAST once every other day. I wash my hair everyday. Only some people can get away with not washing that often, like some girls with long hair. Not boys with long hair. Or short hair. Wash your hair. And I don't mean in the toilet like I know some of you must do. I mean in the shower. With shampoo.

Wash your hair, you dorks.

On that note, L'Oreal Kids shampoo smells SOOOO GOOOOD and I always use it.

Video games. I started playing Star Fox Adventures aft
er at least 3 years... I'm not very good at it because I don't notice things in the surroundings and stuff. That's why I like to play when my sister is around. I mean, it's generally an easy game, and I know how to do stuff, but I always miss like... caves and stuff. I also played Metroid Prime the other day. I'm really bad at it. But I guess I'm better at that one than other shooter games. I just get so startled easily.

That's not an invitation to pop out at me when I walk out of the bathroom or anything.



So I suppose I'll stick to Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy VIII is the best. So good. And all RPGs are relatively easy. Although, you know, I've never beat the last bosses in Golden Sun. I have finished the second one. That one was easy. Well, the first one was easy, too, but I just basically screwed myself over on that file. I suppose I'll just start over one day.

But not today. No.

Not today.

I am stuck on Band-Aid brand.

And a big blogging welcome.

Ah, my first real blog. How could this have happened? It happened because I was sick of facebook notes. So here I go.

I suppose I'll start by putting up some old posts from my Notes. I thought they were pretty interesting.