
No One's...

...Neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston's.

Just sayin'.

Today, Today..

I am going to do stuff that isn't just sit around on the computer. But I'm going to do fun things. Like sew a cute plushie, or make some clothes for my BJD, Emery, or work on some homework.... FUN homework. Fun homework that involves watching Watchmen again.

Feel free to be jealous of my exciting and completely non-stressful life.

That is all.


Excuse me? A nerd? I beg your pardon.

So, I've returned from the Central Canada Comic Convention. Or C4, for short. It was fabulous. I went as Surge, from X-Men (Google: Surge New X-men Academy X). No one really knows who she is. Neither do I (I Wikid her... Sorry). But I hope to pick up the comics eventually.
I made it myself.

Adam West and Julie Newmar of Batman fame were there! I was so happy! I went home on Sunday and watched like 6 hours of Batman that were taped in 1998. We have 3 tapes full. I've been watching that show since I was 6. Also Peter Mayhew was there, you know... Chewbacca! He's like 7' 3".

Also they charged like $40 for autographs.

Also there were a lot of Rorschachs and Deadpools this year. Not that I dislike either of them.
Rorschach and Deadpoooooooooooooooool! A nut and a fooooooooooooooool!


Watchmen was a good movie. But I don't understand how everyone can be so obssessed with it.

Rorschach. Everyone's favourite psychopath.

Anyways, I obviously don't have any ramblings today, about anything in particular. So here, enjoy:

Yeah, sorry about that. That's pretty much the only picture I have on my new computer. I'm working on it. Also, http://handheld.deviantart.com/.