
Something Mundane That Only Nerds Care About

Hey, so. I love to cosplay. But I really want to be a good cosplayer one day. Right now I'm kind of.... Meh (check it out, http://handheld.deviantart.com , all my crap is there).

I really want to make a really good Roxas cosplay. Is Roxas too outdated? I mean, the Akuroku fandom came in 2006 with Kingdom Hearts 2, but I guess Days came out last year, and with Birth By Sleep out in 18...17 days?.. It's a little more... Current. I JUST LOVE ROXAS AND AXEL TOGETHER, YOU KNOW?

Anyway I want to be one of those roxas cosplayers that the cool fangirls on DeviantArt are all up ons. LOL. Maybe one day. Probably not though. Right now it's like... Not so good. :/

Okay so GOALS:

Lose 5-10 lbs because let's face it, I CAN
Be an awesome cosplayer
Eternally tweak my Roxas cosplays (that are upcoming)
Mentally prepare myself to be Kuja next year at Ai-Kon and prove to everyone that I CAN DO IT.

So like. Roxas.

Hey so I think I might get my septum pierced. Still stewing on that though. If not I'll get my nose pierced. My ultimatum: Lose that fat and reward self with an AWESOME PIERCING. Because I would just look cooler with an edgy septum piercing if I looked cooler all around ;)