
It's Time to Talk Cosplay

That's right, the new year is upon us, and as such, we must discuss how this year is looking for cosplay.

I am cosplaying as Yuna from Final Fantasy X. Although I would be able to make her outfit, I just figured with the commissions I've taken plus my own other pretty fabulous one, I would not have the time (nor the funds) to make this costume. So I bought it on eBay for 50 bucks (there was a sale!) It came in the mail today and it looks absolutely wonderful, I just need to paint some things so that they're perfect. :) I'm also going to purchase a beautiful brown wig and green contacts for my right eye.

I'm also cosplaying as the young Simon from Gurren Lagann. Also Lagann. That's right. Cardboard Lagann will make an appearance. You have no idea how excited I am. I'll be able to walk around the convention center in a robot. Kick-ass.

I'm doing 3 commissions: An adorable Gothic Lolita dress, Advent Children Cloud, and Fran from Final Fantasy XII. I'm very excited as all of these will help me hone some skills in some way or another. I'm not taking on any more commissions, though, so if you wanted something, you've missed out. I will consider it if you live near here and will pay for everything up front, however. It's mostly a fund thing for me, rather than time. Although once I get a legitimate job, it'll be more of a time thing rather than funds.

So, Ai-Kon 2010, I'm coming for you in full force. Beware the iron fist of my awesomeness!

On another note, this Salad for lunch Soup for supper diet is going pretty well. I can feel the difference when I actually eat breakfast in the morning, although I've had to start out really small, like a piece of toast, because I just get sick if I eat too much since I'm not used to eating breakfast. And I have been keeping up DDR every other day. I haven't seen a huge change in my weight yet, but then again, I haven't really checked, so we'll see! Wii Fit tomorrow!

ALSO: I can't post pictures for some reason. Someone smart should help me. The video box opens fine, but when I click on the 'add image' button, it does nothing.

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