
Something Important I Would Like to Discuss.

I would like to discuss emo kids. I mean, the ones that force themselves into the gloomy disposition of the stereotypical emotional. You know the ones. The ones who, when you ask them how they feel about rainbows, say, "I'd like them better if they were.... Black." and swoop their hair to the side (actual example).

Maybe not necessarily 'emo' (what an outdated term. What is this, 2006?), but that whole subculture of teenagers who complain about their lives, have extended Facebook names, if boys, dress like girls, and if girls, look like little boys who look like girls.

I would like to ask a question regarding these children: Why do you claim to thrive in the darkness when all of your profile pictures and albums are of you making out and saying how much you love your girlfriend? Do you pretend to be one, or are you just a living, breathing oxymoron? Discuss.

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