
Ooh La La

So hey everyone (And by 'everyone' I mean myself, blogging only for self-satisfaction and to force myself to beleive that people care about me on the internet)! I have some GOOD NEWS.

My dear friend Jaime and I are going to Disney World :)

We leave on December 5th and are home on the 12th (5 days before Tron!). We're going to WDW for 4 days and Universal Studios for 2 (Wizarding World of Harry Potter, anyone?) , and I AM SO EXCITED. We found this chart online that says the sightings of all the Disney mascots and where... I swear I'll find you, Shang, even if I have to camp out in the China Pavillion ALL DAY.

It is my personal goal to NOT see Mickey.

So anyway, more to come later when I'm not sitting around in bed being useless and I can actually use my brain to document this excitement.

In other news: The Central Canada Comic Con is in about a month, and I don't have to rush to finish any costumes! :D I've got my Ramona Flowers cosplay, which I may tweak or I may just say, "Screw it" and leave it how it is, which is... good enough, and I have my Yuna cosplay! I still need to make the earrings for that and I guess I never got a staff. Heh. BUT ANYWAY. Can't wait :)

Pounds left to lose for Ideal Kuja weight: 6. Awwwww yeah.

BTW, I bought my wig for Kuja! It should be arriving in the mail this week if Canada Post decides not to be a tool and keep it for two months like my Yuna cosplay!

Featuring the sultry singing voice talents of Donny Osmond


Sammy said...

BAHHHHH you're not going. NOT WITHOUT ME.
Just kidding, I hope you have the funnest time of YO LYFE. :)

handheld said...

BAHHHHHHH I AM And I will bring you back something AWESOME.

Also. Would you like me to get you an autograph of any specific Disney character?!

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