
Why I Hate PETA and Their Cult-Like Following.

Case 1: "The 'Fireworks are Satan's Greatest Tool' Argument"!!

Taken from the PETA website:

"Many holiday events that will end with a bang—fireworks, that is—may be entertaining for people, but they are not nearly as much fun for animal companions or wildlife. Animals’ hearing is far more sensitive than ours, and unpredictable and deafening blasts from fireworks can cause them immense pain and fear and even damage their hearing.

Dogs, cats, birds, and other animals often become frightened and confused by the noise, causing them to panic and attempt to flee—frequently with devastating results. Many holidays end in tragedy when alarmed animals break out of screen doors and fenced yards and become lost or are hit by cars. Fireworks are just as disastrous to wildlife. Since pyrotechnic displays produce high-particulate emission-laden plumes, birds, who have sensitive respiratory systems, often choke when caught in or near pyrotechnic blasts.

Such horrifying stories are not restricted to nonhuman animals. Every year, bystanders and professional fireworks operators are injured and killed in fireworks-related incidents. Some displays have even ignited fires that have damaged property and habitat.

Holiday stories involving lighting displays don’t need to end in horror. This is because there are safer, affordable alternatives to fireworks that are just as magnificent and festive. Laser and light shows can give families, including their animal companions, real cause to celebrate.

Do you have a story about how fireworks ruined your holiday celebration? Or any ideas for how cities can light the sky with less bang and more cheer? Please enlighten us by leaving a comment … "

...Really, PETA? Now, let's read some comments from some very stupid people.

# Heather Says:
January 7th, 2009 at 3:41 pm

"I remember reading a story while in North Carolina two summers ago. It was about the ban on fireworks in the area. During a 4th of July celebration, a family dog found a firework that did not discharge right away - until it went off in his mouth. The family lost their dog due to the carelessness of others. I’m glad they ban them now, not only on the beaches, but on the private properties as well."

Oh, Heather. You know, if that family wasn't all retarded, you and they would realize that it wasn't due to fireworkee's carelessness, it was due to the stupid dog owner's carelessness.

Here's my favourite one:

"# Dani Says:
January 17th, 2009 at 5:24 pm

I lost my dog due to fireworks. The kids in the neighborhood were playing with fireworks the day before 4th of july. I went to the store to get my dog some rescue remedy or something to calm her down. She was in the house safely in a room with child proof baby gates. I forgot to close the dog door. When we got home she was gone. She jumped over the gates and then jumped over our deck. After looking for her all night and morning, we found her dead on the turn pike. All because someone was being irresponsible and playing with ilegal fireworks. She was the best dog ever."

NOTE THIS SENTENCE: "I forgot to close the dog door."

Dear Dani, it was your fault that dog died. Not because some dumb kids were being irresponsible. You're dumb.

Case 2: "Why Maple Syrup is Also the Devil's Number One Hate Tool!!"

"Save Seals by Boycotting Canadian Maple Syrup

Every year, the Canadian government allows sealers to beat, skin, and kill hundreds of thousands of baby seals for their fur. Many of these pups have their heads bashed in or are shot before they even get a chance to eat their first solid meal or learn how to swim. So what is an easy step that we can all take to help stop the Canadian seal slaughter?

You can help end Canada's annual war on seals by boycotting a product that is vital to the country's economy: maple syrup. Canada produces approximately 85 percent of the world's maple syrup, with the U.S. as its largest consumer, and by buying this Canadian product, you are supporting Canadian cruelty. By pledging to boycott Canadian maple syrup, you'll be speaking up for baby seals in Canada, for whom life isn't so sweet, and telling Canada that you won't support its product until you can support its practices.

Pledge to boycott Canadian maple syrup until Canada ends the seal slaughter for good. We'll send a copy of your pledge directly to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Canada's Minister of International Trade Stockwell Day so that they can't ignore the international outrage over the Canadian seal slaughter.

To stay up-to-date on all our Canadian maple syrup campaign efforts, please visit our blog, The PETA Files."

Boy, John, that Maple Syrup sure do make me wanna' club some seals, eh?

That's the American PETA logic behind those darn seal clubbers.

...Really? Thank you, America. Excuse me while I head down and club AMERICAN seals instead.

So tell me what you think of this organization. Keep it civil. Call me out.

For more info on Animal Supremacists, visit http://www.peta.org/.

I, in no way, support PETA. Duh.

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