


Okay I'll update again sometime soon, sorry.


Ooh La La

So hey everyone (And by 'everyone' I mean myself, blogging only for self-satisfaction and to force myself to beleive that people care about me on the internet)! I have some GOOD NEWS.

My dear friend Jaime and I are going to Disney World :)

We leave on December 5th and are home on the 12th (5 days before Tron!). We're going to WDW for 4 days and Universal Studios for 2 (Wizarding World of Harry Potter, anyone?) , and I AM SO EXCITED. We found this chart online that says the sightings of all the Disney mascots and where... I swear I'll find you, Shang, even if I have to camp out in the China Pavillion ALL DAY.

It is my personal goal to NOT see Mickey.

So anyway, more to come later when I'm not sitting around in bed being useless and I can actually use my brain to document this excitement.

In other news: The Central Canada Comic Con is in about a month, and I don't have to rush to finish any costumes! :D I've got my Ramona Flowers cosplay, which I may tweak or I may just say, "Screw it" and leave it how it is, which is... good enough, and I have my Yuna cosplay! I still need to make the earrings for that and I guess I never got a staff. Heh. BUT ANYWAY. Can't wait :)

Pounds left to lose for Ideal Kuja weight: 6. Awwwww yeah.

BTW, I bought my wig for Kuja! It should be arriving in the mail this week if Canada Post decides not to be a tool and keep it for two months like my Yuna cosplay!

Featuring the sultry singing voice talents of Donny Osmond



I feel like I would blog more if people actually cared about my blog.

[insert hilarious under-appreciated picture here]

Something Mundane That Only Nerds Care About

Hey, so. I love to cosplay. But I really want to be a good cosplayer one day. Right now I'm kind of.... Meh (check it out, http://handheld.deviantart.com , all my crap is there).

I really want to make a really good Roxas cosplay. Is Roxas too outdated? I mean, the Akuroku fandom came in 2006 with Kingdom Hearts 2, but I guess Days came out last year, and with Birth By Sleep out in 18...17 days?.. It's a little more... Current. I JUST LOVE ROXAS AND AXEL TOGETHER, YOU KNOW?

Anyway I want to be one of those roxas cosplayers that the cool fangirls on DeviantArt are all up ons. LOL. Maybe one day. Probably not though. Right now it's like... Not so good. :/

Okay so GOALS:

Lose 5-10 lbs because let's face it, I CAN
Be an awesome cosplayer
Eternally tweak my Roxas cosplays (that are upcoming)
Mentally prepare myself to be Kuja next year at Ai-Kon and prove to everyone that I CAN DO IT.

So like. Roxas.

Hey so I think I might get my septum pierced. Still stewing on that though. If not I'll get my nose pierced. My ultimatum: Lose that fat and reward self with an AWESOME PIERCING. Because I would just look cooler with an edgy septum piercing if I looked cooler all around ;)


Ai-Kon and Stuff 2010

Okay So I copy and pasted this from my DA (http://handheld.deviantart.com), and it copied all the icons and emoticons. That was cool.
Okay so Ai-kon was a week ago and I didn't blog or journal about it or anything so la-dee-da

On Friday, I was casual Roxas. I understand it's a total cop out, but it's better than nothing. My dear friend Jaime was my casual Axel. :) And the lovely Alyssa was Namine. Needless to say they fought over my love. HOWEVER, on Friday I had to leave around 5 to go to my cousin's wedding, but I was back aaaaat 830? 830ish, yeah. So anyway.

We stayed at the Delta and there were 7 of us in a room. LOL WUT?!

Jaime and I slept on the balcony.


AXEL AND ROXAS SLEPT ON THE BALCONY?! http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w102/soup_4_u/35155_10150234667695093_854185092_13651008_1215468_n.jpg

We suck. In an awesome sort of way. The balcony was the most terrific thing EVER!

Anyway, Saturday I was Yuna from Final Fantasy X, and lovely Alyssa was Rikku. We are cute :) My contacts were wonderful, I really enjoyed how my eyes looked. And my wig looked so legit. We had so much fun. COUSINS!!

Friday night Jaime and I had stayed up until 6am finishing Bree's Fran (FFXII) cosplay that I made... It was a feat and I stressed poor Bree out :( Sorry!! I suck. Ah ha ha. But I finished and I think it looked pretty good and everyone seemed to like it (maybe not everyone... AMIRITE?! COVER UP, WHORE)

We watched the sunrise from our balcony bed :)

We also watched a prostitute fight. :D

I love downtown Winnipeg. So much.

Anyhoo, we then started at 930 piecing Bree's armor together (930? Maybe that's just when we woke up). It took until 2 before we were all ready to go down to the convention. I guess that's why the weekend seemed to fly by faster than it usually does!

AND THEN There was the dance, which was wonderful, Jaime and I dressed and Axel and Roxas again and danced for about half an hour (we weren't even planning on going) and stayed until the end of Every Time We Touch... Then we ran out holding hands. We were headed back to the hotel but thought we would get some attention. We ran through the lobby and up the escalators and FANGIRLS WEPT AT THE SIGHT OF US. Okay, maybe not wept. Some definitely cheered though. It was very fun and very cute and my favourite part of the weekend.


He says that in Days. Seriously! Like WTF

Anyway Jaime and her sister left early :( And I was Yako from something something Nogami Neuro. Nogami Neuro something something. I dunno. I was comfy :3

I bought this great anime in the "Samurai Horror Tales" series, by the name of "Goblin Cat". It was extremely powerful and brought us all to tears. Very sad. Absolutely terrific. I recommend it to everyone!

Plans for next year?


Okay but I'm actually serious.
Goal: Lose 7 lbs. No wait. 6. ;)

My work diet is really helping.
These chips are NOT

The End


Blog update

I don't have time for this

/I have nothing good to say

Be patient, my children

no punctuation today

to show how much I care


[A Poem by Jenna]


Something Important I Would Like to Discuss.

I would like to discuss emo kids. I mean, the ones that force themselves into the gloomy disposition of the stereotypical emotional. You know the ones. The ones who, when you ask them how they feel about rainbows, say, "I'd like them better if they were.... Black." and swoop their hair to the side (actual example).

Maybe not necessarily 'emo' (what an outdated term. What is this, 2006?), but that whole subculture of teenagers who complain about their lives, have extended Facebook names, if boys, dress like girls, and if girls, look like little boys who look like girls.

I would like to ask a question regarding these children: Why do you claim to thrive in the darkness when all of your profile pictures and albums are of you making out and saying how much you love your girlfriend? Do you pretend to be one, or are you just a living, breathing oxymoron? Discuss.