
The Spoils of Christmas Past

Things I got because I'm materialistic and selfish and North American:

1. 8 pots of my favourite Directions Hair Colour. Colours: Flamingo Pink, Carnation Pink, Mandarin, Spring Green, Turquoise, Bright Daffodil, White Toner (for when FINALLY this old hair colour will wash out and I can bleach it white. GAH.), and Violet. I was running dangerously low on colours and I really only had blues and red left.

2. An Emery sized guitar! Emery is my BJD. That's Ball-Jointed Doll. He's beautiful. I'm sure I've said that before, but whatevs.

4. Gift cards to Cineplex, iTunes, and Kildonan Place.

5. A cumulative 120 dollets in earth monies. Dollet. Final Fantasy VIII. Dollet. Ha ha. That's funny.


Okay Anyway.

I'm going to start a band.

Called, 'Okay Anyway'.

Our number one hit will be a cover of the Pokemon theme song.

In the new year, I'm going to start blogging about real things.

The Things I Like About Christmas:

1. It starts for me on the 24th.
2. It is yummy.

3. Puppy Chow.
4. Presents.
5. Meow.
6. It's beautiful.
7. Jesus.
8. I took a nap under the tree today. With my cats. :)
9. I wished for a boyfriend for Christmas. Jesus OR Santa, you'd better deliver.
10. The Christmas specials on television are hilarious.
11. ... These keep getting worse and worse.
12. What's the difference between a duck?
13. One leg is the same as the other.

14. Christmas.

There you have it. Everything you need to know about why Christmas is the best. AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE.

And on a side note, something that has been scaring me lately:

Something about my cats.

My cats are wonderful. They are perfect. They are unique. They are warm. They are both 17 lbs. They are the best duo ever, although they hate each other.

Jack pooped on the couch.


That's all for now. I'll add more later, when I have more time.

Love, Jenna,
Jack , and


No One's...

...Neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston's.

Just sayin'.

Today, Today..

I am going to do stuff that isn't just sit around on the computer. But I'm going to do fun things. Like sew a cute plushie, or make some clothes for my BJD, Emery, or work on some homework.... FUN homework. Fun homework that involves watching Watchmen again.

Feel free to be jealous of my exciting and completely non-stressful life.

That is all.


Excuse me? A nerd? I beg your pardon.

So, I've returned from the Central Canada Comic Convention. Or C4, for short. It was fabulous. I went as Surge, from X-Men (Google: Surge New X-men Academy X). No one really knows who she is. Neither do I (I Wikid her... Sorry). But I hope to pick up the comics eventually.
I made it myself.

Adam West and Julie Newmar of Batman fame were there! I was so happy! I went home on Sunday and watched like 6 hours of Batman that were taped in 1998. We have 3 tapes full. I've been watching that show since I was 6. Also Peter Mayhew was there, you know... Chewbacca! He's like 7' 3".

Also they charged like $40 for autographs.

Also there were a lot of Rorschachs and Deadpools this year. Not that I dislike either of them.
Rorschach and Deadpoooooooooooooooool! A nut and a fooooooooooooooool!


Watchmen was a good movie. But I don't understand how everyone can be so obssessed with it.

Rorschach. Everyone's favourite psychopath.

Anyways, I obviously don't have any ramblings today, about anything in particular. So here, enjoy:

Yeah, sorry about that. That's pretty much the only picture I have on my new computer. I'm working on it. Also, http://handheld.deviantart.com/.


A Big Blogging Return of the Jedi

Anydangway, now that I have some followers. I'll blog more.

That is all.

Here, have something cute.



Ai-Kon is over, everyone. It's still hard to adjust. I look at someone walking down the street and my first thought is, 'Kamina!'. My second thought is, 'Wrong. No. Bad.'

I was Tsukasa, from .hack//sign on Friday, Howl from Howl's Moving Castle on Saturday, and Ness from EarthBound on Sunday (one person recognized me.. that's why I did Ness. Dana skipped out on Jeff and Alyssa was in costume for, like, 15 minutes. I wasn't able to get a decent picture, thanks to you guys. Get your butts in your costume and let's hit the streets for good photo-ops).

I haven't found ANY pics of me, except for two while our HMC group was on the walk-on. We really could have used a Markl and a Turnip Head. I'd like to take more photo-shoot-esque photos of ALL the characters. Dana and I are going to go to town sometime in our .hack outfits and take some, as well as I'm forcing some EarthBound pics to happen.

I spent all day watching the anime my sister and I bought (well, just my sister. One was my birthday present). Case Closed Season Two (mine), Azumanga Daioh, Medabots (<3>
Hopefully I can learn the Sending dance, too. Gotta get a wig, though.

Also next year I'll be hopefully joining a Gurren Lagann group. As who? Let's just say it's a shirtless little kid. I'll figure something out. Actually, here's a pic:

In the middle. Don't look at the boobs. Look at the middle.

Yeah, yeah, burst through the heavens with your drill and all that crap.

I met some cool people. Who knew those Selkirkians could be so enjoyable?

(Sounds like I ate them. Well, they were delicious.)

I think that's all for now. If I think of anything else, I'll be sure to update. And remember, only one truth prevails!

The Two Most Amazing Foods in the World!! v2

As some of you devout fans have read (What? I have one follower? Darn.) on my facebook notes, sometimes I get a little excited about delicious foods. And what these delicious foods are, are grape juice and ice cream cake. In particular, Welch's Grape Juice and Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake. Deelish.

Now, I won't stay too hung up on these treats forever- I do have a life. But I will mention some things about why I like them.

Why I Like Grape Juice!!
1) Grape Juice is delicious.
2) Grape Juice reminds me of communion in church. You know, you get those little cups and... man. It's just so good.
3) Juicez le Grape will never be a taste that I will ever dislike. Different brands vary from sweet to subtle. I'm a huge fan of 'Sweet' myself.
4) Nobody says, "Hey, I'mma drink me a million glasses of wine" and feels fine. Now, drink a million glasses of grape juice... You'll still not be satisfied. It's that delicious.

The Reason for Loving Ice Cream Cake!!
1) Ice Cream Cake is delicious.
2) That fudge part in the middle... mmmm. Heaven.
3) Eating that fudge middle part with the cookie part... mmmm. Heaven.
4) Ice Cream dans le Cake is the birthday eats of champions.
5) You get the goodness of vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream, fudge, cookies, AND icing, all on one wonderfully decorated CAKE. I don't think any other cake with Dora the Explorer would ever be THAT amazing.

In conclusion, These two foods are the foods of the gods. Exaggeration? I THINK NOT.

That's all folks. Tune in next time for more adventures in eating.

It should be noted that 'I'mma' is considered a word now. What is this world coming to?!

Why I Hate PETA and Their Cult-Like Following.

Case 1: "The 'Fireworks are Satan's Greatest Tool' Argument"!!

Taken from the PETA website:

"Many holiday events that will end with a bang—fireworks, that is—may be entertaining for people, but they are not nearly as much fun for animal companions or wildlife. Animals’ hearing is far more sensitive than ours, and unpredictable and deafening blasts from fireworks can cause them immense pain and fear and even damage their hearing.

Dogs, cats, birds, and other animals often become frightened and confused by the noise, causing them to panic and attempt to flee—frequently with devastating results. Many holidays end in tragedy when alarmed animals break out of screen doors and fenced yards and become lost or are hit by cars. Fireworks are just as disastrous to wildlife. Since pyrotechnic displays produce high-particulate emission-laden plumes, birds, who have sensitive respiratory systems, often choke when caught in or near pyrotechnic blasts.

Such horrifying stories are not restricted to nonhuman animals. Every year, bystanders and professional fireworks operators are injured and killed in fireworks-related incidents. Some displays have even ignited fires that have damaged property and habitat.

Holiday stories involving lighting displays don’t need to end in horror. This is because there are safer, affordable alternatives to fireworks that are just as magnificent and festive. Laser and light shows can give families, including their animal companions, real cause to celebrate.

Do you have a story about how fireworks ruined your holiday celebration? Or any ideas for how cities can light the sky with less bang and more cheer? Please enlighten us by leaving a comment … "

...Really, PETA? Now, let's read some comments from some very stupid people.

# Heather Says:
January 7th, 2009 at 3:41 pm

"I remember reading a story while in North Carolina two summers ago. It was about the ban on fireworks in the area. During a 4th of July celebration, a family dog found a firework that did not discharge right away - until it went off in his mouth. The family lost their dog due to the carelessness of others. I’m glad they ban them now, not only on the beaches, but on the private properties as well."

Oh, Heather. You know, if that family wasn't all retarded, you and they would realize that it wasn't due to fireworkee's carelessness, it was due to the stupid dog owner's carelessness.

Here's my favourite one:

"# Dani Says:
January 17th, 2009 at 5:24 pm

I lost my dog due to fireworks. The kids in the neighborhood were playing with fireworks the day before 4th of july. I went to the store to get my dog some rescue remedy or something to calm her down. She was in the house safely in a room with child proof baby gates. I forgot to close the dog door. When we got home she was gone. She jumped over the gates and then jumped over our deck. After looking for her all night and morning, we found her dead on the turn pike. All because someone was being irresponsible and playing with ilegal fireworks. She was the best dog ever."

NOTE THIS SENTENCE: "I forgot to close the dog door."

Dear Dani, it was your fault that dog died. Not because some dumb kids were being irresponsible. You're dumb.

Case 2: "Why Maple Syrup is Also the Devil's Number One Hate Tool!!"

"Save Seals by Boycotting Canadian Maple Syrup

Every year, the Canadian government allows sealers to beat, skin, and kill hundreds of thousands of baby seals for their fur. Many of these pups have their heads bashed in or are shot before they even get a chance to eat their first solid meal or learn how to swim. So what is an easy step that we can all take to help stop the Canadian seal slaughter?

You can help end Canada's annual war on seals by boycotting a product that is vital to the country's economy: maple syrup. Canada produces approximately 85 percent of the world's maple syrup, with the U.S. as its largest consumer, and by buying this Canadian product, you are supporting Canadian cruelty. By pledging to boycott Canadian maple syrup, you'll be speaking up for baby seals in Canada, for whom life isn't so sweet, and telling Canada that you won't support its product until you can support its practices.

Pledge to boycott Canadian maple syrup until Canada ends the seal slaughter for good. We'll send a copy of your pledge directly to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Canada's Minister of International Trade Stockwell Day so that they can't ignore the international outrage over the Canadian seal slaughter.

To stay up-to-date on all our Canadian maple syrup campaign efforts, please visit our blog, The PETA Files."

Boy, John, that Maple Syrup sure do make me wanna' club some seals, eh?

That's the American PETA logic behind those darn seal clubbers.

...Really? Thank you, America. Excuse me while I head down and club AMERICAN seals instead.

So tell me what you think of this organization. Keep it civil. Call me out.

For more info on Animal Supremacists, visit http://www.peta.org/.

I, in no way, support PETA. Duh.


There is something coming up and what that thing is is...


That's right, folks. The anime convention is in 21 days, and with that comes the joy of cosplay and spending all money. How wonderful.

I presently should be working on my costumes (I have about 1092348 to finish, some of which haven't even been started), but I got distracted by the internet. Stupid internet.

So if you're going this year, look out for Howl (Howl's Moving Castle), Tsukasa (.hack//sign), and Ness (EarthBound)!

That's all. I'm sorry it wasn't witty or interesting.

Here's a witty and interesting picture to make you feel better.


I hope that title got you excited. Because, you know, this will be THE most exciting blog you will ever read.


Does anyone know any good zombie movies? My friend Kari and I just watched Resident Evil and Resident Evil Apocalypse (No, although I'm familiar with them, I don't play the games. You want me to crap my pants?! What is WRONG with you people?!?!!). I thoroughly enjoyed them. I mean, they didn't scare me- but boy, those reanimated corpses. Can't get enough of them. Ah, Milla Jovovich. What a girl.

We decided to get together often and watch as many zombie movies as we can. We shall form the Zombie Club. This includes classifying the reanimated with my wonderful Zombie Emergency Response Operations kit. My Zombie Survival kit. It comes with classification cards. The zombies in that movie were CLASS 1. THAT'S RIGHT. THE MOST DANGEROUS KIND. Such an activity may include spoofing some zombie movies, making such masterpieces such as Resident Medieval.

'Good Lord, he's turned into an Amphisbaena
! Get the quarterstaff!'


That's not funny.

You know, I think if I was a survivor in that situation, I would just kill myself. Actually, I wouldn't be a survivor. I'd turn undead pretty quickly, because I'm far too pathetic to fend off the incoming peril.


Rest in Peace Billy Mays.


Give me some good Zombie film recommendations.



There's Something We Need to Discuss.

And that thing is movies. But not just any movies, not your favourite movies (and I know you all love Twilight, heaven forbid I know why.), and not ones you hate. What we need to talk about today are children's movies.

I few days ago, my beloved sister and I saw 'Up'. I think it is fabulous, please go see it. I do NOT, however, think it's fair that they attempt to make you sympathize with pixels. And by 'attempt', I mean, 'Succeed unfairly. Go home'.

Wow, my wit is off today.

Anyway, as I sit there holding back my tears, I realize how truly pathetic we are, being manipulated by computer generated characters. I mean... REALLY? Really, Disney/Pixar? Not fair! Even your stupid short film a the beginning had me bawling! Are you kidding me?!

Kids don't realize some of the deeper issues that the characters in the screen are dealing with. It's so sad. I even cried when I saw the first Pokemon movie last year for the first time (I know, I was a little late into the Poke-scene. Gimme a break, my parents actually had RULES when I was a kid!). It was horrible, seeing their struggles, then seeing them overcome then, then seeing them HAVE MORE, then watching the prominent end.



Well, that's all for now.

Here's a picture:


The Other Day in the Life of...

...Ms. Super-Awesome-McAwesometon

The other day was a day, man. I applied at some places that are jobs. Java Korner is hiring. I hope I get hired there. I need money, for the upcoming anime convention.

Well, that's it. That was my day.

And Alyssa and I watched an episode of Beverly Hills, 90210.Best show EVER.

Now a Nickelback music vide
o is playing. Oh my goodness. I cannot stand them. I swear they are the least talented band I know. No... maybe... Simple Plan is. Well... both of them can only play generic power chords that any monkey who picks up a guitar could play. So, I think they're both pretty bad. I guess at least the lead in Nickelback can hit notes.

Not like there is ever more than 3 in any of their songs.

Wash your hair, you dorks.

Message: People should wash their hair at LEAST once every other day. I wash my hair everyday. Only some people can get away with not washing that often, like some girls with long hair. Not boys with long hair. Or short hair. Wash your hair. And I don't mean in the toilet like I know some of you must do. I mean in the shower. With shampoo.

Wash your hair, you dorks.

On that note, L'Oreal Kids shampoo smells SOOOO GOOOOD and I always use it.

Video games. I started playing Star Fox Adventures aft
er at least 3 years... I'm not very good at it because I don't notice things in the surroundings and stuff. That's why I like to play when my sister is around. I mean, it's generally an easy game, and I know how to do stuff, but I always miss like... caves and stuff. I also played Metroid Prime the other day. I'm really bad at it. But I guess I'm better at that one than other shooter games. I just get so startled easily.

That's not an invitation to pop out at me when I walk out of the bathroom or anything.



So I suppose I'll stick to Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy VIII is the best. So good. And all RPGs are relatively easy. Although, you know, I've never beat the last bosses in Golden Sun. I have finished the second one. That one was easy. Well, the first one was easy, too, but I just basically screwed myself over on that file. I suppose I'll just start over one day.

But not today. No.

Not today.

I am stuck on Band-Aid brand.

And a big blogging welcome.

Ah, my first real blog. How could this have happened? It happened because I was sick of facebook notes. So here I go.

I suppose I'll start by putting up some old posts from my Notes. I thought they were pretty interesting.