
The Two Most Amazing Foods in the World!! v2

As some of you devout fans have read (What? I have one follower? Darn.) on my facebook notes, sometimes I get a little excited about delicious foods. And what these delicious foods are, are grape juice and ice cream cake. In particular, Welch's Grape Juice and Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake. Deelish.

Now, I won't stay too hung up on these treats forever- I do have a life. But I will mention some things about why I like them.

Why I Like Grape Juice!!
1) Grape Juice is delicious.
2) Grape Juice reminds me of communion in church. You know, you get those little cups and... man. It's just so good.
3) Juicez le Grape will never be a taste that I will ever dislike. Different brands vary from sweet to subtle. I'm a huge fan of 'Sweet' myself.
4) Nobody says, "Hey, I'mma drink me a million glasses of wine" and feels fine. Now, drink a million glasses of grape juice... You'll still not be satisfied. It's that delicious.

The Reason for Loving Ice Cream Cake!!
1) Ice Cream Cake is delicious.
2) That fudge part in the middle... mmmm. Heaven.
3) Eating that fudge middle part with the cookie part... mmmm. Heaven.
4) Ice Cream dans le Cake is the birthday eats of champions.
5) You get the goodness of vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream, fudge, cookies, AND icing, all on one wonderfully decorated CAKE. I don't think any other cake with Dora the Explorer would ever be THAT amazing.

In conclusion, These two foods are the foods of the gods. Exaggeration? I THINK NOT.

That's all folks. Tune in next time for more adventures in eating.

It should be noted that 'I'mma' is considered a word now. What is this world coming to?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'mma drink me a million glasses of wine by the time I die. In fact, it's my mission. And I think that I WILL feel fine. It's that delicious.

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