
My List of Things to Accomplish What are in No Way Related to New Year's Resolutions

Okay. This is what's happening (Hey, I said I was going to start blogging about serious stuff!):

1) Lose ~15 lbs (Before Ai-Kon). Not because I'm upset with how I look. I'm upset with how I feel.
2) Beat Final Fantasy XII
3) Go on a REAL date.
4) Learn to 'Enjoy Everything'. Yotsuba knows how to do things.
5) Find someone who appreciates how smart and witty I am.
6) Get a job. Now, this isn't MY fault. I'm being discriminated against because of my hair colour. You jerks.
7) Produce decent art for once. Instead of just doodles.
8) Paint more.

This list will be updated as I think of things. HA HA HA.

Things Happening in January Only for the Reason of Experiments, Each Related to My General Health, Because My General Health is Awful:

1) Drink a water bottle every weekday. Monday to Friday. A whole bottle.
2) Eat salads for lunch. As often as possible.
3) No junk food on weekdays. Exceptions for puppy chow and the occasional eating out. In real restaurants. Which brings me to me next point:
4) Cut back on fast food. As little as possible. Sometimes you just can't help it. Okay so, No going to fast food places on my own free will.
5) No Kraft Dinner and no instant noodles. Not that I have those very often.
6) Real breakfast. Like eggs. 2 eggs. Scrambled. As opposed to NO breakfast.
7) DDR every Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Wii Fit every Tuesday, Thursday. I understand Wii Fit is under mass public scrutiny. But I love Wii Fit. So suck it.

I think that's it.

1 comment:

Sammy said...

I heart Yotsuba with basically my whole heart. <3

And I have been chugging water like it's nobody's business.

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